Select your subject from the following choices:

Myths Lesson Plan -Students will write a myth that is suggested by a specific picture. The story will display the students knowledge of writing conventions, elements of a story, and descriptive writing. Students will also explore the connections between oral traditions and their own cultural development.

Essay Lesson Plan - Students will be able to make comparisons and show contrasts between two similar or dissimilar pictures/paintings. Historical time periods will be indicated by dress and invention within the piece being studied.

Poetry Lesson Plan - Students will be able to create their own poems using selected works of arts as either models for combining visuals with writing or as selections for creating a written response or interpretation.

Pictures as Visual Stories Lesson Plan - Student will create a story to explain the painting/picture being studied. The story will display the student's knowledge of writing conventions, elements of a short story, literary conflict and the use of descriptive text.



Social Studies

6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade High School Image Resource Lesson Plans
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