Grade Level: 6th grade Subject: World Cultures Topic: Religion TEKS:6.19 (A) Objective: Identify various religions of the world Materials: Shiva as Lord of the Dance (Nataraja) Vishnu Reclining on the Snake (Anantashayana) Images of various prayer rugs |
Focus: Show students the photographs. Discuss the difference between the images of the Hindu faith and the Islamic prayer rugs. Students should notice that the prayer rugs have no human or animal shapes, only geometric shapes and flower-shapes. The Hindu sculptures have definite human shapes and likenesses. Students should also notice that the Islamic rugs have a design in the center that is shaped like a mosque. It is pointed toward Mecca as people of this faith pray five times a day. Research Activity: Assign small groups of students different world religions including Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity. They should look for the major tenets of religion. They also should try and find examples of how the religion influenced art, literature, politics, and culture. |