AMoA can be reached by calling 806-371-5050 or 806-371-5392, or e-mailing
Location address: 2200 S. Van Buren Street, Amarillo, TX, 79109
Mailing address: P.O. Box 447, Amarillo, TX, 79178
Managing Director/Financial Officer: Kim Mahan
Curator of Art: Alex Gregory
Director of Advancement: Kay Kennedy
Curator of Education: Julie Talley
Director of Public Programs: Deana Craighead
Administrative/Advancement Assistant: Ashton George
President: Sherri Brosier
President Elect: Whitney Kelly
Treasurer: Richard Walton
Secretary: Mike Ladd
Amarillo College President: Dr. Paul Matney
Immediate Past President: Wales Madden III
Member at Large: Betty Farrell
Member at Large, AC Board of Regents: Michele Fortunato
Member at Large: Paul Clark
Matt Chamberlain
Lilia Escajeda
Ann Girard
Conrad Hester
Jim Jordan
Christian Ladd
Natrelle Long, Alliance Past President
Farrar Mansfield
Dr. Tom Nichols
Nellie Norfleet
Neal Nossaman
Denise Olson, Amarillo Independent School District Representative
Amanda Parks, Alliance President-Elect
Jaya Pathapati
Mary Stewart Pfeffer
Dr. William T. Price
Pat Smith
Mary Schneider, Alliance President
Joan Urban
Susan Ladd Willis
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