The purpose of the AMoA Alliance shall be to raise funds to support and promote the educational programs and services of the Amarillo Museum of Art. The AMoA Alliance shall be an auxiliary organization of the Amarillo Museum of Art and shall be directly responsible to the Amarillo Museum of Art's Board of Trustees.
AMoA Alliance membership levels are as follows:
Life: $200
Associate: $50
Active: $25
Memberships are valid from September thru August of each year.
AMoA Alliance members may choose to volunteer for any of the following events:
Childrens' Holiday Parties / Museum School
Christmas Roundup
Membership Meetings
Special Events (12x12, Panhandle Artists' Hanging, etc.)
Preference should be noted with membership information.
Christmas Roundup
October 31 - November 2 , 2014
Don't miss this three-day holiday gift market held at the Amarillo Civic Center benefiting the AMoA Alliance!
To join the AMoA Alliance, please contact AMoA at 806.371.5050 or
For details about volunteer opportunities and events, contact 2013-2014 Alliance President, Mary Schneider
P.O. Box 447 Amarillo Texas 79178 806.371.5000 An Equal Opportunity Community College © 2010 Amarillo College, Amarillo College ® AC ® myACcount ®
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