Ladd Lecture
The Ladd Lecture is an ongoing series of lectures by distinguished experts from across the United States. The series, sponsored by the Frank Ladd Family, is dedicated to a greater understanding and enjoyment of the visual arts. Recent guests have been Maria Nevelson, Jock Reynolds, the Henry J. Heinz II Director of the Yale University Art Gallery; Eric Lee, Director, Kimbell Museum of Art; Pratapaditya Pal, internationally renowned Nepalese, Indian and Tibetan art scholar; Richard Bretell, The Margaret McDermott Distinguished Chair, Art and Aesthetics, UT Dallas; John Walsh, former director, J Paul Getty Museum; Edmund P. "Ted" Pillsbury, former director, Kimbell Art Museum.
Ladd Lecture 2015
Sponsored by Mrs. Frank A. Ladd in memory of Mr. Frank A. Ladd
Guest Speaker: Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Scott DeJesse
Thursday, September 17, 2015
AMoA Alliance Reception
6:00 p.m. Cocktail Buffet
$40 per person
Amarillo Museum of Art Chairman: Joan Urban
7:00 p.m., Free
Amarillo College Concert Hall Theater
Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Scott DeJesse
DeJesse will speak about his experience and ongoing work as a Modern-day “Monuments Man.” He is one of only a few individuals serving as a Civil Affairs Officer in Arts, Monuments, and Archives and has deployed numerous times to both Iraq and Afghanistan. The work of the “Monuments Man” has developed over time and now encompasses matters of cultural property,world heritage, and a nation’s capacity for governance. DeJesse will address these and other subjects in what is certain to be an enlightening and captivating lecture.
Reception Sponsors:
Mr. and Mrs. Al Smith
Mr. W.P. Buckthal
Dr. Victoria Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Phillips
Dr. and Mrs. Steve Urban
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. William Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. John Shelton
Mr. and Mrs. Robbin Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Durrett
Dr. Mitch Jones
Mr. J. B. Lane
Dr. Sue Nadesan
Dr. and Mrs. Tom Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Oeschger
Dr. and Mrs. William T. Price
Dr. and Mrs. Brian Pruitt
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Street
Mr. and Mrs. John Walker
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Westmoreland
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Whitton