Lesson Plans - Photojournalism

TITLE: Compare Present Day Photographs to Historical Photographs from the Museum's Collection

SUBJECT: Photojournalism


8.22 C
8.23 A
8.24 A, B, C


The students will create a photojournalism project and compare photographs from present day to historical photos in the museum's collection.



1. Discuss the term photojournalism.

2. Have the class view selected photographs from the collection.

3.  Divide students into groups and let them analyze several books containing photography collections.

4. Have students use their camera to record everyday life in their city.

5. Have students mount and label their photos either in a book format or on poster board.

6.  After the photos have been developed and presented to the class, have the students write an essay comparing their photographs with the photographs they analyzed from the collection.



6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade High School Image Resource
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