TITLE: Religions and Mentors: Making Cultural Comparisons |
CULTURAL STUDIES: Cultural Comparisons TEKS:
Chapter 113.33
The student will compare the Tirthankara of Jain religious stories and compare it to mentors who appear throughout Western stories. The student will create a narrative or a portrait in honor of a mentor of his or her own. MATERIALS:
BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Have you ever tried to cross a river and not get wet? If you looked for the shallowest part of the river where the water did not flow too rapidly, you looked for a place to "ford" the river. The Jain religion has twenty-four religious ford-finders known as Tirthankaras. The Tirthankaras assist others in finding a way across the turbulent waters of the cycle of deaths and rebirths of the Jain religion. Early Jain artists did not represent the Tirthankaras as human figures but rather as a bell shaped object called a stupa. The Tirthankara at the Amarillo Museum of Art is a very early representation made in the 2nd century. A careful observation of the chest will reveal a symbol that identifies this individual as the 24th ford-finder, named Mahavira, who lived in the years of 540-468 B.C. He is thought of as the essential founder of the modern Jain religion. RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Compare this religious sculpture to the above image of Buddha, also found in the Museum's collection. Research why the figures are so similar. How can the similarities or differences be attributed to the Jain or Buddhist religions? DISCUSSION:
ACTIVITIES: Add the foundation of the Jain religion to an ongoing time line. Research the origin and spread of the Jain religion and ideas. The 24 Tirtankaras were able to lead others because of their greater life experiences. Write about how others have used their experience to help others. Compare the experience to one that you have had with a mentor or to a situation where you were a mentor. Identify mentors throughout history and discuss the changes they have made to society. Using appropriate materials, create a portrait as a tribute to someone who has assisted you during a difficult situation. Write a comparative summary about how your portrait is both similar to and different from the Jain Tirthankara. CLOSURE: Display narratives and portraits of mentors with a timeline of the Jain religion and a definition of the mentoring role of the Tirthankaras. RESOURCES: Publications: Internet Links: |