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Volunteer Opportunities

Are you interested in art? Would you enjoy learning and teaching? Would you like to help the Amarillo Museum of Art fulfill its educational mission while meeting others with an interest in art?

The Amarillo Museum of Art is seeking enthusiastic volunteers to fulfill a variety of needs at the Museum. Volunteers may provide educational tours, assist teachers and students in a variety of art classes, help out at Museum events, or work in the art library among other things.

You and your friends can become involved at the Museum by giving your time. Service opportunities are available at the Museum year-round in both the daytime and evenings. Information about meeting dates, times, exhibitions, and activities will be provided to all those interested in volunteering.

The benefits of becoming a volunteer include opportunities to learn from artists and professionals, study of the Museum’s collections, and invitations to all Museum events. No background in art is required – just enthusiasm, dedication, and a desire to help others experience the world of art.

Please contact Megan Easley at the Museum by phone (371-5050) or e-mail (easley-mm@actx.edu) for further information.

Copyright © 2002, The Amarillo Museum of Art. All rights reserved.